Wearing turquoise, a beautiful blue-green gemstone, is believed to have several benefits, both from a physical and metaphysical perspective. While these benefits are often associated with folklore, spirituality, and alternative healing practices, it’s important to note that they may not be supported by scientific evidence. Nonetheless, here are some potential benefits attributed to wearing turquoise:

Healing and Protection: Turquoise is regarded as a powerful stone for healing and protection. It is believed to promote physical well-being and assist in the healing process by supporting the immune system and enhancing overall vitality.

Positive Energy and Mood Enhancement: Turquoise is associated with positive energy and is believed to uplift the spirits, dispel negative energy, and promote emotional balance. It is said to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering a sense of calmness and inner peace.

Communication and Self-Expression: Wearing turquoise is believed to enhance communication and self-expression. It is thought to open and strengthen the throat chakra, allowing for clearer expression of thoughts and feelings. It may aid in effective communication, assertiveness, and problem-solving.

Spiritual Growth and Intuition: Turquoise is often regarded as a stone of spiritual atonement and intuition. It is said to enhance spiritual insight, promote a deeper connection with oneself and the divine, and facilitate spiritual growth and transformation.

Protection against Negative Influences: Turquoise is thought to provide protection against negative energies and electromagnetic smog. It is believed to shield the wearer from harmful pollutants and energies in the environment.

Physical Healing Properties: In alternative healing practices, turquoise is associated with various physical healing properties. It is said to aid in the treatment of respiratory issues, allergies, and immune system imbalances. Additionally, it is believed to support the detoxification processes in the body.

It’s important to remember that the perceived benefits of wearing turquoise can vary from person to person, and individual experiences may differ. If you’re interested in exploring the potential benefits of turquoise, you may consider wearing it as jewellery or carrying a piece of turquoise with you. However, it’s always a good idea to approach gemstone healing practices with an open mind and consult professional medical advice for any health-related concerns.